Containing Air
Exploring Structure

Forms and their structural enclosures can be explored in a number of ways.  This series investigates a simple form based on
approximately one-half of a Lemniscate of Bernoulli curve, developed about 1694. A lemniscus is Latin for "a pendant ribbon", it is very
similar to a common eight curve, except the loops are more elliptical.

What is interesting is what forms emerge when a 2D curve is used as a 3D path for some shape as a section, such as a circle, an ellipse, a
square, a rectangle, or a triangle.  Further, what happens when that section is modified from one shape orientation or size to another shape
orientation and size, as it progresses for start to finish along the curve.

There are a number of ways to delineate the surface of the resultant form. For lightness, some sort of mesh structure would seem to be
appropriate. In this first series of pieces, a diagonal grid is incorporated.  

At this scale, desktop, these forms could be thought of as Air Vases; containers to hold air, nothing at all.

Approximate dimensions: 5" x 5" x 8"

A selection of these models is available at:

101f12 101f12
101f12 Metallic Plastic (Alumide)
101f12 Metallic Plastic (Alumide
101i11 Metallic Plastic (Alumide)
101g12 101g12
101g12 Metallic Plastic (Alumide)
101g12 Metallic Plastic (Alumide)
101j11 101j11
101j11 Elasto Plastic
101j11 Elasto Plastic
102d23 102d23
102d23 Metallic Plastic (Alumide)
102d23 Metallic Plastic (Alumide)

Preliminary Sketches

BitArtWorks, Robert J. Krawczyk, St. Charles IL

Copyright 2009-2014, BitArtWorks, Robert J. Krawczyk , All Rights Reserved