Paths and Lanes

Paths Cube
Paths Cube
3" cube, 1/8" wood
Each piece is unique


Lanes Cube

Lanes Cube
3" cube,1/8" wood
Each piece is unique


Lanes Cube
Paths Votive Candle Holders
3" cube, frosted glass votive, 1/8" wood
Each piece is unique


Paths and Lanes Series

Repeating patterns in architecture are utilized in elements at a variety of scales; scale of a facade, perforated ceilings, and wall relief's to carpeting and tile stonework. Classical methods can be used to generate such patterns, such as, frieze and wallpaper groups. As the desire to develop organic or random patterns increases other methods need to be investigated.
One such methods are the Truchet tiling.

Truchet tilings have the interesting property that they can develop a modular non-repeating pattern. A module can be orientated in any direction and still match its neighbor.
The Paths and Lanes Cubes are three-dimensional; version of the Truchet tilling concept.
The Paths series uses arcs and the Lanes series uses diagonal lines.

BitArtWorks, Robert J. Krawczyk, St. Charles IL

Copyright 2008-2012, BitArtWorks, Robert J. Krawczyk , All Rights Reserved